
Exploring LF-Edge's EDEN and EVE Ecosystem QEMU - Part 1

Getting Started with LF-Edge’s Eve Project

This is the initial step-by-step process of getting started with EVE and using its components like:

  1. EVE-OS
  2. EDEN
  3. ADAM

NOTE: You can find the write up repository at EVE-OS-tutorials

Initial Diversion

As opposed to directly jumping into building EVE-OS from its GitHub Repository it is recommended to begin with EDEN.

The only thing for this documentation that we refer to from EVE’s repository is its for intial dependency installation.

Host System Overview

During the documenting the system used as a host was as follows:


Lenovo T14s Laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 Pro processor, 32GB RAM

Architecture: x84_64

Operating System

Manjaro Linux Build ID: Rolling

Kernel Information:

$ uname -a
Linux my-pc 5.10.53-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 26 07:18:28 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Dependency Installation for EVE-OS

As mentioned previously we require some dependencies installed on our host machine.

According to the Documentation of EVE we require:

  • make
  • qemu
  • go
  • docker
  • jq
  • git

Installation on ArchLinux/Manjaro Distributions

$ sudo pacman -S make jq git qemu go docker

Based on the installations the following versions are installed:

$ make --version
GNU Make 4.3

$ jq --version

$ git --version
git version 2.32.0

$ go version
go version go1.16.6 linux/amd64

$ docker version
 Version:           20.10.7
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.16.4
 Git commit:        f0df35096d
 Built:             Fri Jun  4 08:14:39 2021
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

  Version:          20.10.7
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.16.4
  Git commit:       b0f5bc36fe
  Built:            Fri Jun  4 08:14:24 2021
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          v1.5.2
  GitCommit:        36cc874494a56a253cd181a1a685b44b58a2e34a.m
  Version:          1.0.1
  GitCommit:        v1.0.1-0-g4144b638
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0

NOTE: if you go through the documentation for installing other dependencies based on Ubuntu/Debian distributions there are packages that are not available in AUR via pacman

Here are the packages that were not available:

  • binfmt-support
  • qemu-user-static
  • qemu-utils
  • qemu-system-x86
  • qemu-system-aarch64

These packages will be necessary to cross-compile EVE-OS for different Edge Devices like Raspberry Pi 4, Jetson Nano etc.

Upon doing a search via pacman -Ss qemu the qemu-arch-extra is installed in order to provide qemu for different architectures.

$ sudo pacman -S qemu-extra-arch

This should be able to provide emulators for other architectures on Manjaro

$ qemu-aarch64 --version


Setup Docker Cross-Arch

$ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

Setting up Eden

  1. clone the repository:

     git clone && cd eden/
  2. in the root of eden perform:

     make clean

    The output logs:

        configName:  default
        configFile:  /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml
        INFO[0000] Config file generated: /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
        DEBU[0000] Will use config from /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
        DEBU[0000] Try to add config from /home/shantanoo/Development/ 
        INFO[0000] Config file already exists /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
        DEBU[0000] Will use config from /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
        DEBU[0000] Try to add config from /home/shantanoo/Development/ 
        dist/bin/eden-linux-amd64 stop -v "debug"
        configName:  default
        configFile:  /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml
        DEBU[0000] Will use config from /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
        DEBU[0000] Try to add config from /home/shantanoo/Development/ 
        INFO[0000] adam stopped                                 
        INFO[0000] redis stopped                                
        INFO[0000] registry stopped                             
        INFO[0000] eserver stopped                              
        INFO[0000] cannot stop EVE: 
            cannot open pid file /home/shantanoo/Development/ \
            open /home/shantanoo/Development/ no such file or directory 
        ... LOGS reduced for brevity HERE
        INFO[0000] cannot stop adam: StopAdam: error in rm adam container: container not found 
        INFO[0000] cannot stop redis: StopRedis: error in rm redis container: container not found 
        INFO[0000] cannot stop registry: StopRegistry: error in rm registry container: container not found 
        INFO[0000] cannot stop eserver: StopEServer: error in rm eserver container: container not found 
        INFO[0000] cannot stop EVE: 
            cannot open pid file /home/shantanoo/Development/ \
            open /home/shantanoo/Development/ no such file or directory 
        INFO[0000] CleanEden done 
  3. Create test configuration for eden using:

     make build-tests

    The output logs:

    INFO[0000] Config file generated: /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
    DEBU[0000] Will use config from /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
    DEBU[0000] Try to add config from /home/shantanoo/Development/ 
    INFO[0000] Config file already exists /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
    DEBU[0000] Will use config from /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
    DEBU[0000] Try to add config from /home/shantanoo/Development/ 
  4. Let’s add the default test configuration to eden:

     ./eden config add default

    The output logs:

    INFO[0000] Config file already exists /home/shantanoo/.eden/contexts/default.yml 
  5. Before deploying anything on an Edge Device let’s try emulating the system on our host:

     ./eden setup

    The output logs:

    INFO[0000] QEMU config file generated: /home/shantanoo/.eden/default-qemu.conf 
    INFO[0007] GenerateEveCerts done                        
    INFO[0007] GenerateEVEConfig done
    ... Download Logs in JSON Remove here for brevity
    INFO[0268] Extract layer d63c78d2ff59abb21c20c27cc96b4c0dd403a1302a7391112c3f4d7cbb709ac1/layer.tar 
    INFO[0295] download EVE done: lfedge/eve:0.0.0-master-36a9fae5-kvm-amd64 
    INFO[0295] EVE image ready: /home/shantanoo/Development/

    NOTE: This is the point where a default Image for EVE-OS is created in the dist/default-images/eve directory

  6. Source the environment variables for activation for eden:

     source ~/.eden/
  7. Let’s start eden:

     ./eden start

    The output logs:

    INFO[0075] started container: 83fe22b02bf4fe4ed40f14c6bf0d2477ea25c9488b2db59cb5eb5e7ec17586bf 
    INFO[0075] registry is running and accesible on port 5000 
    INFO[0076] started container: 48df95156c72bae59ac1f11f0fd2ca78af308aaa189f94f153e06ff5ee368e75 
    INFO[0076] Eserver is running and accesible on port 8888
    INFO[0076] Start EVE: 
    qemu-system-x86_64 -display none -nodefaults -no-user-config -serial chardev:char0 -chardev socket,
    -smbios type=1,serial=31415926 -monitor tcp:localhost:7788,server,nowait  
    -netdev user,id=eth0,net=,dhcpstart=,ipv6=off,hostfwd=tcp::5911-:5901,
    -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=eth0 -netdev user,id=eth1,net=,dhcpstart=,
    hostfwd=tcp::2232-:32 -device e1000,netdev=eth1 -machine q35,accel=kvm,dump-guest-core=off,kernel-irqchip=split 
    -cpu host,invtsc=on,kvmclock=off -device intel-iommu,intremap=on,caching-mode=on,aw-bits=48 
    -drive file=/home/shantanoo/Development/,format=qcow2 
    -readconfig /home/shantanoo/.eden/default-qemu.conf  
    INFO[0076] With pid: 
    /home/shantanoo/Development/ ; \
    log: /home/shantanoo/Development/ 
    INFO[0081] EVE is starting 

    If you go through the logs eden is using the qemu-system-x86_64 emulator to setup eve

  8. Before we on-board an EVE-OS based emulation machine to eden let’s go ahead an check the status of eden:

     ./eden status # before onboarding

    the output logs:

    ✔ Adam status: container with name eden_adam is running
    Adam is expected at
    For local Adam you can run 'docker logs eden_adam' to see logs
    ✔ Registry status: container with name eden_registry is running
        Registry is expected at
        For local registry you can run 'docker logs eden_registry' to see logs
    ✔ Redis status: container with name eden_redis is running
        Redis is expected at
        For local Redis you can run 'docker logs eden_redis' to see logs
    ✔ EServer process status: container with name eden_eserver is running
        EServer is expected at from EVE
        For local EServer you can run 'docker logs eden_eserver' to see logs
    --- context: default ---
    EVE state: not onboarded
    ? EVE status: undefined (no onboarded EVE)
    ✔ EVE on Qemu status: running with pid 23943
        Logs for local EVE at: /home/shantanoo/Development/
    ✘ EVE Request IP: error: GetDeviceCurrent error: no device found

    This is great the other components have start but eve has not been on-boarded i.e. no device with eve has be found by eden

  9. Let’s on board our emulator device with eve:

     ./eden eve onboard

    The out put logs:

    INFO[0000] Adam waiting for EVE registration (0) of (20) 
    INFO[0020] Adam waiting for EVE registration (1) of (20) 
    INFO[0040] Adam waiting for EVE registration (2) of (20) 
    INFO[0060] Adam waiting for EVE registration (3) of (20) 
    INFO[0080] Adam waiting for EVE registration (4) of (20) 
    INFO[0100] Adam waiting for EVE registration (5) of (20) 
    INFO[0120] Device uuid: 88f579a2-ad3e-49f3-a8a1-bf6c6788c79e 
    .. JSON Dump of a device
    INFO[0121] Received unexpected StatusCode(Bad Request): repeat request (0) of (20) 
    INFO[0126] Received unexpected StatusCode(Bad Request): repeat request (1) of (20) 
    INFO[0131] Received unexpected StatusCode(Bad Request): repeat request (2) of (20) 
    INFO[0136] onboarded                                    
    INFO[0136] device UUID: 88f579a2-ad3e-49f3-a8a1-bf6c6788c79e 

    After certain amount of retries adam is able to find a device eve (here emulated on the same network as host machine)

  10. Let’s check eden status after on-boarding:

    ./eden status # after onboarding

    The output logs:

    ✔ Adam status: container with name eden_adam is running
    Adam is expected at
    For local Adam you can run 'docker logs eden_adam' to see logs
    ✔ Registry status: container with name eden_registry is running
        Registry is expected at
        For local registry you can run 'docker logs eden_registry' to see logs
    ✔ Redis status: container with name eden_redis is running
        Redis is expected at
        For local Redis you can run 'docker logs eden_redis' to see logs
    ✔ EServer process status: container with name eden_eserver is running
        EServer is expected at from EVE
        For local EServer you can run 'docker logs eden_eserver' to see logs
    --- context: default ---
    EVE state: registered
    ✔ EVE REMOTE IPs:; fe80::dbd0:2797:dfa9:d39a;; fe80::9d7f:29e6:dd5a:7f52
        Last info received time: 2021-07-29 21:44:48 +0200 CEST
    ✔ EVE memory: 418 MB/3.5 GB
    ✔ EVE on Qemu status: running with pid 23943
        Logs for local EVE at: /home/shantanoo/Development/
    ✔ EVE Request IP:

    This is great our emulated eve device is registered with eden and thing look like they might be up for some test-drives

  11. The simplest example of deploying and Application on the eve device is an nginx container. The content of the data to be rendered by the HTTP server is in eden/data/helloeve

    ./eden pod deploy --name=eve_nginx docker://nginx -p 8028:80 \

    This command will mount the data file from your host: ./data/helloeve to the pod of nginx container and make it available on port 8028

    The output logs:

    INFO[0001] will use volume [./data/helloeve] at mount point [/usr/share/nginx/html]
    .. JSON logs for deployment
    INFO[0003] deploy pod sweet_franklin with docker://nginx request sent

Voilá ! an nginx pod is deployed on your emulated eve device.

Let’s see if everything is up and running:

curl -s -XGET http://localhost:8028

should produce

<title>Go back to eden page</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=">
Sample hello eve app

Seems great. If you visit the link on your browser, the page will display the content for a certain time and will redirect you to the Eden’s GitHub repository.

Clean Up

  1. You can stop the pod using the name of the pod

    $ ./eden pod stop eve_nginx
  2. You can delete the pod after stopping it as follows:

    $ ./eden pod delete eve_nginx
  3. Stop eden using:

    $ ./eden stop