
Nugget: Enabling Persistence and Logging for your Mosquitto MQTT Broker Docker Container without Super User Privileges


At work I came across a problem where I needed to deploy a secure MQTT Mosquitto Broker on a server where I did not have Super User (sudo) privileges. The Mosquitto Broker’s Docker Image eclipse-mosquitto has some Open Issues that where developers could not store the logs generated from the docker container on the host machine or store the persistent database from the container on the host machine without changing the directory ownerships for the logs and data.

Broker Deployment with Docker

If you want something out of the box, I created an open-source repository called tiguitto
  1. I created Self-Signed Certificates for the server using tiguitto/selfsigned case

  2. I created the following directory structure:

        |- certs
            |- mqtt
                |- ca.crt
                |- mqtt-server.crt
                |- mqtt-server.key
                |- mqtt-client.crt
                |- mqtt-client.key
        |- mosquitto/
            |- config/
                |- mosquitto.conf
            |- logs/
                |- mosquitto.log
            |- data/
        |- docker-compose.yml
  3. docker-compose.yml looks like:

        version: "3"
            image: eclipse-mosquitto
            container_name: secure_mqtt_broker
                - ./certs/mqtt:/mosquitto/config/certs
                - ./mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config
                - ./mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log
                - ./mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data
            restart: always
                - "8883:8883"
            network_mode: host

Errors Logs for Mosquitto Broker

Upon looking at logs using:

docker-compose logs -f 


1544689704: Error: Unable to open log file /mosquitto/logs/mosquitto.log for writing.
1544689704: Error: Unable to open log file /mosquitto/logs/mosquitto.log for writing.
1552421249: Saving in-memory database to /mosquitto/data/mosquitto.db.
1552421249: Error saving in-memory database, unable to open /mosquitto/data/ for writing.
1552421249: Error: Permission denied.

If I had sudo privileges the problem would be solved using:

    sudo chown -R 1883:1883 mosquitto/logs/
    sudo chown -R 1883:1883 mosquitto/data/

Figure the IDs out!

The container’s User ID is docker and the directories and files had the user ID of my account on the server. Since the ownership IDs are completely different, the permissions to write to the mosquitto.log file as well the mosquitto/data directory aren’t possible!


  • Find out the User UID and Group ID GID (Group ID)

    $ id -u


    $ id -g
  • For me the my account had the uid of 1002

  • Add: user: "1002:1002" to the docker-compose.yml file and restart your container

The error vanished and I am now able to check the logs on the host and the persistence is stored under mosquitto/data/

Final Compose file

    version: "3"
        image: eclipse-mosquitto
        container_name: secure_mqtt_broker
        user: "1002:1002"
            - ./certs/mqtt:/mosquitto/config/certs
            - ./mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config
            - ./mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log
            - ./mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data
            - "8883:8883"
        restart: always
        network_mode: host

You can also pass the User ID and Group ID as Environment Variables as follows:

$ UID=$(id -u) GID=$(id -g) docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

and make sure to change the user key as follows in your docker-compose.yml file: user: ${UID}:${GID}


I went through the Open Issue 1078 for Eclipse Mosquitto GitHub Repository and figured the solution out. With a little trial and error on the UID and GID with the user key-value pair in the docker-compose.yml makes it possible to avoid sudo usage!

If you have more thoughts, improvements and criticisms then connect with me or send me an E-mail or a LinkedIn Message anytime!