
Thoughts-as-a-Repository: Thoughts as a Git Repo

Everything mentioned in the blog are my own findings / discoveries for a decent mental well-being in life. Please feel free to ignore any or all of this if you have a better way of living.

Thoughts-As-a-Repository using a GitHub Repository

Just a left-brain exercise, on how would I introduced philosophical thinking in Software and how it might look like a Git repository

I will keep it less verbose and more visual.


It is not intented for any audience, or for all if it clicks. I have no control of what the outcomes are and I am satisfied with that.



Status Quo

A while ago I was living:

Life was Progressing

But then something started to bug me.

Bug Report: Lacking Satisfaction in Life

Something had to be done, and I had to find a path.

Development Roadmap Comment on Bug Report

I stumbled upon something interesting and it caught my attention. So I branched out into a development stage and whether I would reach somewhere rather than being nowhere.

Branch out into a Development Stage

I started gather information on Stoicism like the arm-chair researcher I was and jotted somethings down.

Initial Investigations on Stoicism

High Level Research Reference Commit

I started to like this Stoicism and decided to compile something useful, that I can comprehend.

Conduct a Chore of Core Concepts of Stoicism

Guilty as charged, in terms of my Goldfish Attention Span I did compile somethings valuable that I can go through easily about Stoicism

Core Concepts/Principles in Layman Terms

Compile a Document on Core Concepts of Stoicism

I started practicing simple things in everyday life and I was ready to accept certain values in my life.

Create a Pull Request in my current lifestyle

I felt a bit more satisfied, less anxious and more in control of my thought process. This feels good!

Bump satisfaction version from v0.0 to v0.5

What if, I can bring this thought process also to Software, into things at work or also for my personal projects that will help me grow?

Feature Request: add practical approach

Got my thoughts together and started practicing them. I seem to be doing good, better than where I started from.

Journal Entry of practicing Stoicism in Software

Add Stoic Coding Concepts that work for Me.

I think I can commit to these practices to the best of abilities everyday at work or for personal projects

Create a Pull Request of Stoic Coding in main lifestyle

Seems like it is working. Less anxiety, more resilience, a lot of satisfaction! Time to bump that satisfaction version.

Bump satisfaction to v1.0

Future Roadmap

  • Read Books by Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus
  • Find methods out for practical philosophy to keep the version bumps rolling till I roll into a grave.

Till then remember:

We suffer more in Imagination than in reality